I want to open a pet store. Info please.


I am thinking abought opening a pet store but I need some info if you work at one or know someone who might answer a few questions for me please let me know.

richard rendos

Active Member
I owned one until last December. Lots of head aches. No one appreciates the LFS anymore. All you will hear from customers is how they can get it cheaper on the internet. If you sell at internet prices, you won't be able to keep the doors open.(unless you can get cheap rent somewhere) I was paying $1800.00 a month for 1100 sq ft.
If you are still interested, shoot me an email with specific questions. I will try to answer them.
Email Me


Acutaly I am just looking for venders I sale alot of items on line I just wanted to try to sale these type of items. any vender info you might be able to give me would help out alot.
If you have any names or phone numbers you can give me please E-mail them to me at sales@endingbids.com
Thanks OsoLow.
High Osolow,
What type of products are you looking to find vendors for? I was planning on starting up a LFS to support my Aquarium Maint. company, but have put that on hold temporarily due to the situation going on in the world. I know a few people and may be able to help you in a few areas. I agree with Richard Rendos though in that it is very difficult and your best chance IMO is to go with a specialty store possibly dealing with mostly or all fish and offer service if possible because you can't maintain an aquarium online. Just as the old saying goes location is of utmost importance, but good service, expertise, and quality are key. For example, if I can buy a Queen Angel that I can't see, have no idea of the online stores practices for $100.00 and then about $30 to $40 to ship it, but the LFS that I know and am comfortable with where there is competant professional fish people have a beautiful Queen Angel for $200.00. I would drop the LFS whatever they want from me to hold it for a couple of weeks and purchase it there. There is a LFS in my area that deals only in fish that has been in business for over 30 years and by the looks of it outcompetes a ***** about half a mile down the road pound for pound. So I guess anything is possible, just find the need in your area, provide it better, competitively, and couteously and you might just have a success on your hands. Some more experienced hobbyists will do well with online stores (such as this one of course) I purchase from online stores all the time, but that doesn't mean that I don't support the LFS that is truly professional in my area and visit on a weekly basis. Good luck with it and let me know if I can be of any help, I've been in this industry for over 10 years and the hobby much longer! Talk to you later.


As a business owner I have got to sayThere are a few things you want to do:
1, find a good CPA to answer all your $ questions.
2, Become a member of you local Rotary, business ass., and any other club in the area.
3, Become a member of the SBA (small business administration). Crawl into their back pocket and pester them alot. Lots of good resources and $
4, INSURANCE, INSURANCE, INSURANCE. Everybody wants to sue.
5, become an LLC or go INC.
6, Draw up a total business plan, Create items of inc., sell yourself to your vendors, your clients, and you competitors.... alot of it seems dumb to write goals and such... but not doing it will slowly kill your business.
7, Pay your employees 125% of the going market rate. They will become more loyal to you than you can imagine.
8, be sure and cut ME a great deal.... ha ha ha.
Good luck.


I looking for items like pumps, lights, filters,ect.
thing I can sale on line I don't realy care to sale live items.
I have my business License and my Tax ID so i'm not a kid try to get things cheep but to make some money doing what I like (and maybe pass on a few good deal) where I live we have a 1 pet store and there not cheep at all so I have friend who want to buy from me if I find a good place to buy from. I have talked with a few venders who are sending me info so I will see what happens.
thanks for any info.
If any one has info thay can send my please send it to me here:

richard rendos

Active Member
You can buy direct from a lot of manufacturers...for example, you can buy directly from PFO, IceCap, URI, etc. Go to their websites and look for a contact number or a wholesale section. I buy directly from all of these now with my aquarium maintenance service. I assumed before that you wanted to open a full service pet shop with livestock too.