I want to purchase an used aquarium



Hello, I want to purchase an used aquarim to start with. any 150 gallon tank will do. I do not want to spend a fortune on fish tank, any medium sized glass tank which is not easy to be scratched will do the job. any suggestions?


ok... you want a tank? have you now a slat tank or ever had one up and running?if not i would say starting with a smaller one first.. i hear a 55 is a good starter tank as i think most here will agree... and then from what ive seen befor...is READ READ READ... all past posts and keep reading... then decide one what you want to start with...also...budget is also in mind...i geuss


I remember about three months ago that I said to myself that I would not spend much on my 125G. Unfortunatly to do it right there is no cheap way around it. Between a good filter and a GOOD skimmer(very, very important for saltwater), then there are powerheads for circulation and some way to run thru carbon. If you use a trickle filter then the expense of the pumps for return. If you use live rock (this in my opinion is the VERY BEST way) then it too is around $5 a pound and for a 150 you need 100 to 200 pounds. If you really search you can buy almost everything at a great rate on the internet. If you need I can suggest some great places. If you want to do it right, don't skimp on the equipment. It will pay for itself and your fish and corals will LOVE you for it.

mr . salty

Active Member
Angeldarling,RLV695 hit it on the head. 55 is a good starter tank. You want one that wont scratch easily,NO SUCH THING. Even glass scratches,Think about what we put in them,Rocks,gravel,crushed coral,sand. If you can find a used one with NO scratches,your lucky. SAMMY,it's been awhile since school but I think the rule goes if the next word starts with an A E I O U,use AN. If not use A..........AN AQUARIUM----A tank. But wait that doesn't work here, Damn english,Too many rules.........STEVE
[This message has been edited by MR . SALTY (edited 08-14-2000).]


depending on what you want to do with a setup and if you have saltwater experance I would say to start with a 38 gal to 75 gallon tank first. and depending on where you live shipping is very expensive... because I have a 38 gallon Oceanic tank ,top,lights,and stand (oak) for sale. I live in Wisconsin.


The larger the tank (if money is not an issue)the better. When I worked at a LFS, I would always recommend larger. You have more water to work with...more margin for error. The changes (such as ammonia spikes) might not effect the fish quite as quickly with more water. The flip side is that one tends to try and overstock a larger tank. Look at it this way, if you poured a cup of freshwater into a ten gal. saltwater tank and you did the same in a hundred gal. tank, which tank's salinity would be effected more? Just my opinion. Good luck!! Take it slooow!!!


I think you should go with the 125 gal.
Before you buy the tank you need to buy some books. To prevent mistakes in this hobby you have to read. I couldn't afford books, so I went to the library and checked some out. I think one of the smartest moves I did was to get a subscription to some of those fish magazines.
sammystingray> It just doesn't sound right. I bet it's just the "a".