I want to start my own tank


New Member
I am completely new to this but I have alway wanted a saltwater tank. Now that I own my own house I want a nice saltwater tank. Can anyone please recommend a book that will give me all the info I will need to start a tank. Additionally I would like to build my own tank so I can customize it to the space I want it to take. If anyone has any info or plans I would love to take a look.
Thanks in advance,


Active Member
The Conciencous Aquariest by Robert Fenner. A great book for the beginning saltwater hobbiets.
Also, there are tons of good articles at www.wetwebmedia.com
Nice to hear you're reading and researching first. It will pay off.
Good Luck!


Active Member
Welcome to the hobby and board!
That book is the best to start off with, imho. From there you can branch out. Michael's "Pocket Guide to Marine Fish" is nice to have to compare needs of fish, compatibility, etc.