i was just wondering


New Member
i am planning on get two percula clown fish the orange and white ones and all my fish ae peaceful fish 1white goby,1firefish(goby),1 fridmani,1 coral beauty(angek-dwarf)and 1 cleaner shrimp. so i am wondering if the the clown fish i want will live and be ok in my 54gallon tank. thankyou

blue oasis

Hi. First off percula clownfish are also known has false clownfish. I would suggest getting true clown fish. Also if you have a rose tip anemone the true clownfish (not sure about the false ones) love to swim in it. If you are planning on buying 2 clownfish make sure they are borm together because clownfish tend to fight with other clownfish if they don't know each other. Lastly I don't realy know what a fridmani is but looking at the other fish you have I am sure your clownfish will do just fine.