I was thinking of adding a yellow tang i need peoples opinions


I have a 26 gallon bow front tank with 26 punds of live rock. Right now the fishes i have are 2 bar gobys, 1 fire fish, 1 small green mandarin, 1 gold striped maroon clown, 1 royal gramma, 2 sally light foots, 1 blue sea star, 1 feather duster, alot of blue leg hermits,and one cleaner shrimp. Should i add a yellow tang or blue tang or should i stay away from all tangs?


Stay away from tangs with a 26 gallon tank. Typically you can read that tangs need a larger tank, anywhere from a 70 gallon and up. Plus, IMO, it looks like you are overstocked already. Just my 2 cents.


New Member
I have a yellow tang and a powder-blue in my 150 gal FO. Although I have noticed a difference in the amount of room the PB rquire compared to the yellow, I wouldn't recommend keeping a yellow in 30gal (approx.)
I hate to bring bad news, but they LOVE swim through their caves and "doing laps" ;) There's nothing better than watching happy fishes.
If you really want tangs I would splurge and go for a 100gal MIN that way you might fit another small tang with your yellow....??


hate to say it but you already have a few too many fish, how long has your tank been running?


Jake. Have you read any other threads on tangs yett. It is good you are asking. The awnser is no. Your tank is way overstocked as it is. Did your LFS advise you on your tank setup. If so, thank god you found this site.


i also think that you are overstocked? i'm not sure how the rest of your set-up is but you might have some problems with your nitrates coz of too much fishes.. i'm also concerned about the mandarin goby since your tank's only been up to 2-3 months...


Active Member
Just adding my opinion, I would say a definite no no. Tangs need at least a 75 gallon because they get big like 7 in. and they love to swim around a lot, your tank being overstocked already would cause the tang to stress out, I have a 26 gallon too and only have two clownfish and a mandarin in it.