My tank at one time had no coral and tons of many types of plants, now I am feeling up with coral and getting rid of the plant, I have succesfully gotten rid of all, but this misreable, what ever the $%#* it is, I go diving in my tank twice a week with twizzers in hand and go plucking this fricking plant off my stuff, I can't get ahead of it
I hired a tang for help, but he just eats the leaves and not the stems so they just keep growing.
any advice on what I can do and does anyome know what this miserable plant is? will a emerald crab eat this stuff? I know they will eat bubble algae.
I might need to hire an army of tangs
any advice on what I can do and does anyome know what this miserable plant is? will a emerald crab eat this stuff? I know they will eat bubble algae.
I might need to hire an army of tangs