I would like help starting a reef tank....


what is the best thing to start with??? Soft corals??? Mushrooms and polyps??? I saw some ricordea on this web site and wondered it someone can tell me about them and how well it does. What is a good cost???
I have a 55 gallon tank with a penquin 330-2 biowheels. I am looking into a protein skimmer, special lights, and some power heads.
Does a reef need any other equipment to get started???
I have LS about 3-4 inches and about 75 pounds of LR.
My tank just has inverts since the other fish are in the process of hyposalinity to treat ick.
Any information as far as a good book or suggestion to start building a reef would be helpful. I am going to post on the equipment board for good suggestions on equipment.


Active Member
definitally teh lights, power head and PS, thats really all i have +a power filter, you migh want to search out the benefits of a refugium ;)


Or anyone else's by the way. I will take a peek at the photography board, but if you have pic you have not posted, please let me see how your tanks look.


I would recomend you getting a dual 250 watt halide setup with some VHO or pc atinics.
Also try to set up powerheads so you get a good cycle of water , like a 6-8 times turnover along with your filter type your using.
SPS and clames need the halide lighting and my guesss is you will eventually get into those so no sense in spending a few hundred dollars now then 5-6 months down the road spending more to buy a halide setup and having a light doing nothing. Not to mention the limited use of a PC/VHO only light.
IHave a 55 reef set up that is doing wonderful ill post you some pics .Theres some SPS,hard and soft corals in it, along with a blue maxium.


M cup coral. Id post more pics of my diff corals but Id take a lot of post so ill get a shot of the whole tank for you tomorrow dont have any recent ones .


Active Member
technically, my tnak isnt a reef.. yet.. for my b-day im gonna get some coral :), and some fish, anyway, i really dont have much money hence im 13


It is nice to get information from those who know what works and what does not.
What is a good price to pay for 2 250 halide lights with VHO or pc atihnics????


Active Member
This isn't exactly what you want to hear, but I thought I would mention before you get everything going for a reef...I personally find standard 55s to be terrible for a reef tank. Trouble is the front to back dimension...too small to build a rock wall that doesn't go straight up. Might I suggest a 75 gallon? Assuming you have the commonest 55, it would be the same 48 inches long, and the same height as well.....it would just give you more front to back space, and since the rock wall could slope more gradually, you would have a much easier time placing corals. I think your choice of 250 watt halides is excellent, and suggest the VHOs because if used for actinics, the VHOs are unbeatable, and in my opinion....most PC actinics are just blue lights in comparison. Is your hubby handy in the electrical field?? Are your fish going back in? Are they reef safe? I am not a big fan of biowheels.....the high oxygen causes aerobic bacteria to prefer them over the rocks often times, and I prefer the bacteria on the rocks for many reasons. Do not skimp on powerheads...just my opinion, but most people do, and they live with unwanted algaes the whole time...algae hates current and high oxygen levels that good water movement gives. I have six pumps and 2700 gallons per hour going in my 90 gallon reef....no hair algae, and the walls are 100% covered with purple coraline.......which also loves water movement. Anyway, if it's an option at all, a 75 gallon would be MUCH easier to work with, and it would keep the fish and corals happier while giving more surface area for gas exchange, more room to work on things from above, more space for the rocks to slope back, more room so pumps are not slamming into a wall three inches away.......etc etc etc. Best of luck, and wait a few months before starting to coral purchase......this allows everthing to stabilize, an ecosystem to get going, and you will probably have an algae outbreak to deal with after the lights are first installed anyway.:D


a bigger tank, but I can not afford to have two tanks right now, nor do I have the room. If I could take back the 55 and get 75 or more I would , but it is too late to take it back. This will have to work for now. I know someone who has a 55 gallon reef tank and they are very pleased with it.
I was able to build the rocks up, but they lean alittle against the back of the glass. I still have room to change it around since I need to install powerheads and a skimmer. For this size tank, how many power heads do you suggest? Where do they go??? Do they pull out water like the filter or just move it??? The last thing I want is a lot of algae growth.
Thanks again!
Keep the suggestions coming.


I disagree with Sammy (although he knows more than I ever will about this stuff!) I think a standard 55 can be a nice reef (it is what I have). It may not be ideal (yes it is not deep back to front), but it is all what you do with it....there are so many variations for rock work, and placement, and animals...just try it and see what works for you!
I am sure you will upgrade when space and time allow, but until then, just view this as an "entry-point" into reefing...that is what I am doing with my 55, and I am loving it. It gives you a chance to learn...and that is what this hobby is all about.
I would also disagree with the hallides reccomendation. Until your reef-keeping skills get good (and for the record, mine are no where near that!) you will mainly be keeping the easier corals, mushromms, and other softies. They are fine under PCs, and this will help your budget. I think adding Hallides at this point is expensive and adds complexity to your system (heat, so you may need a chiller etc.), which is not what you want at this point...especially if you are going to upgrade to a larger tank at some point in the next year or two, as you will probably need to buy another saet of lights then.
I have seen some AMAZING 55 gallon reefs lit with only PCs. So my advice, for what it is worth, is work with what you have, and ease into it....and most importantly, good luck and enjoy!!


Since I started this hobby, I soaked alot of money into the tank and the fish. I just bought about $150.00 of rock. I can not spend any more money right now. I just want to get a skimmer and better lights than I have. I agree with you that I will be keeping the easier corals and polyps until I am comfortable with my set up.
My reef looks good now, but I wanted to change the rocks around alittle.
I will have to play around with it and see what looks good!
Great pictures from the post before you!!! I love your tank!