I would love input for new fish in my tank!


New Member
What should I add now?
I'd love schooling fish.
I currently have a 90 Gallon FO tank with
2 P Clowns
1 Blue Tang
1 Royal Gramma Basslet
1 Green Manderin
2 yellow tail damsels (may remove)
1 flamehawk (wish I had a pair)
1 Catalina Goby
1 McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
1 flame angelfish.
Any ideas on hwo to round this group out? I eventually want a Yellow Tang but think thet one should go in last. I am thinking some schooling fish like blue/green chromis.
I do love my clowns. Can I add more of another color?


I'd say your maxed out. Catalinas are a cold water goby, in case you did not know. Mixing different types of clowns will result in fighting and ultimately death.


Active Member
You could add a 3-4 inch foxface. I love mine and they are great about controlling hair algae. Good color and nice personality, just don't touch it.
also, a purple fire fish would be quite lovely. Nice color that you don't have and they are small and full of personality.
Another great fish is the pearly headed jaw fish. Stay small and are so fun to watch. Another color that you don't have.
I know you say it's FO. But if you're not running copper, you could add something interesting like an urchin. They are great at foraging and they are pretty neat to look at too.
I personally don't like damsels or chromis. They look like fresh water fish, IMO. I wouldn't take up more real estate with chromis/damsels.
And yes, no more clowns for you, I'm afraid. Since you have a pair, they will gain up on ny other clowns, even different ones and take them out. Either that, or the new addition will kill them.


Originally Posted by NevadaGal
What should I add now?
I'd love schooling fish.
I currently have a 90 Gallon FO tank with
2 P Clowns
1 Blue Tang
1 Royal Gramma Basslet
1 Green Manderin
2 yellow tail damsels (may remove)
1 flamehawk (wish I had a pair)
1 Catalina Goby
1 McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
1 flame angelfish.
Any ideas on hwo to round this group out? I eventually want a Yellow Tang but think thet one should go in last. I am thinking some schooling fish like blue/green chromis.
I do love my clowns. Can I add more of another color?
I think you're pretty maxed out and adding a different clown would more than likely result in a fight to the death(s). I don't believe that a blue tang (Hippo tang) is suited for a 90G tank. They grow very large and really need a 6' long tank at minimum.
How long have you had the Catalina? They are a cold water goby and can be converted if acclimated properly.
Chromis usually don't school once places in the home aquarium and will often fight each other for dominance until only one is left.
The best schooling fish for the home aquarium that I've come across are Anthias (specifically Lyretails) and PJ Cardinals. I happen to have both in my tank in groups of three and they're always together. If you really want schooling fish, I say get rid of the damsels, forget about the yellow tang and add three anthias or cardinals. Keep in mind that anthias MUST be acclimated slowly. Buy them from a reputable place and do not buy if you can't see them eat. These fish are finicky at first and if they're stressed from a recent shipment, DO NOT BUY THEM. I waited 4 weeks on mine to make sure they would survive. In the past I had purchased other harems of anthias and had no luck at all. Lyretails females are definitely the hardiest that I've come across and school more than some other types I've owned.