Ice Cap Canopy Fan


OK -- I must be a moron. I have just purchased for my 55g tank a new ballast and four 110W VHO flourescent tubes. This is a major jump from my current two 40W tubes, so I am expecting a little bit of heat. So . . . at the same time, I ordered and have now received an Ice Cap Canopy Fan . . . real sweet, whisper quiet, temperature probe, variable speed, etc. Problem is, how to attach the think to my canopy! It seems logical to attach it at one of the ends. The front, back, or top would be heat shielded by the reflector. The canopy is wooden with a hinged front. Frankly, it scares the heck out of me to try to cut a hole in the side of the canopy -- I just know it will not be perfectly straight -- and the darn fan has curved corners, making it even worse. Okay, so assuming that I do cut the perfectly sized hole (NOT!!), there are no brackets or fasteners on the fan. There are four holes (one each corner), but they run parallel with the air flow, so you could not use wood screws to attach to the canopy. I just can't believe there are no brackets or mounting hardware, instructions, or hints included with this thing! So how do you attach it to the canopy? Anyone else dealt with this?


New Member
Tripp, I have 2 of these mounted in the top (lid) of my canopy. I used a scroll saw to cut a round hole the size of the fan opening. I then drilled holes and used nuts and bolts to mount it to the outside of the lid. I think it comes with screws but they weren't long enough.


Active Member
you should get two of them. Put one on each end of the tank. One drawing cool air in, and the other exhausting the canopy air.
Just mount them in the little holes. I added a fan to my copmuter in the same way. i just cut a hole the size of the actual fan blades. Then drilled holes the proper spacing away from the "center hole". Do you follow me?
I tried my best with paint to show you what i mean.
lol its a horrible pic but it gets the job done.