ice capp 660 w/harness and end caps


Hey I have two setups. Both are ice caps 660s both Ive owned less than 1 year. They both have wiring harness and end caps. One set has 4 end caps for 2 bulbs the other has 8 ends caps for 4 bulbs. I have mounting plates for all end caps. The 2 bulb set up includes acrylic hangers.
I want 140.00 plus shipping for each set. Everthing is in good working order. Due to power outage and tanks crashing Ive decided to upgrade my lights and start over.
My email is


You can consider the icecap 660 4 bulb unit sold. I cant email you right now because I am at work, and they have all external email blocked. Email me and I will get back to you tomorrow morning first thing when I get home. Send all info, address, total amount with shipping to zip code 80030. I will send you my address and such after I get your email. My email is