Ice: Cubed or Crushed?


Active Member
Depends on if I'm using a straw or not. If I have a straw I dont care, but without a straw (which is 99% of the time) I prefer cubed. I hate getting all those little ice flecks in my mouth when I am trying to enjoy my beverage.


Active Member
Cubed. People who use crushed
), ruins the next 2-3 glasses of cubed as you always get tons of those little crushed frags mixed in with the cubes.


Active Member
Definetly crushed. It seems to cool the drink better and I LOVE the little pieces mixing in with the drink lol


Active Member
I agree that crushed seems to cool the drink better, more surface area I guess. However I like cubed, definitely easier to drink when not using a straw which is 99% of the time for me.


super boring topic, u have to be kidding me. for the record though, cubed for me. preferably with some gin and tonic and a little lime


Active Member
cubes all the way, baby. i've got heart cubes and arrow cubes and star cubes and smiley cubes and flamingo cubes ..... i just love love love me some ice cubes!!!