Icecap 660 with timer?


I just got a t5 retrofit kit with a icecap 660. Is there any way to have it so 2 bulbs come on and half hour later the other two come on? This is how i did it with my pc lights but that had 2 plugs for the icecap there is only 1 plug. Thanks For any help


Active Member
No. The reason it worked on your old kit is that you had two ballasts.
With icecaps, the wiring scheme changes entirely when you are running 2 or 4 lamps, so there is no way (even with rigging) to make that work.
The only way to do this is to rewire the kit so the 660 you have drives two lamps, and get a 430 or a 660, Fulham 7, etc to drive the other two.


Active Member
Hey one thing I thought of.. Icecap 660 ballasts are fully dimmable. There is a little 4 pin connector on the side. They attach to a Solar controller. These can do sunrise/sunsets automatically. They are pricey, but from what I hear they work.
Google "Solar Dimmer" and you'll find a few places that sell them. I think the two big models are 750 and 1000 (the model numbers, not the price