IceCap 660


I bought the IceCap 2bulb-Retro 660 VHO...and surprisingly (for me)...I wired it up I think.
anyone have any advice/experience with these?
I got the blue actinic and the 50/50 bulb. does it matter which one is in front?
where should I put the ballast (and grounder)? I'm thinking that I'll mount it to the wall. would I need to have some sort of protective cover in case of a water splash? how hot do these things get...
any info at all would help me before I mount the lights and plug it in tomorrow.


Active Member
the ballast can be remote i believe so it could go down under in your stand.As far as the heat the ice caps are internally fan cooled so that not a problem the bulb configuration dosent really matter
Hope This Helps,