IceCap VS Workhorse


I'm getting ready to buy VHO and have researched a lot on IceCaps.
I've also found A LITTLE information on Workhorse ballasts.
I like the Idea of the buying 2 WH 7s so that I could shut down one bank of 2 bulbs when in dusk mode of 2 Atinics, BUT I know ICECAPs are the top of the line...
Any thoughts...Pro or Con...
Thanks in advance for the input.
PS. I'm only lighting only a 29 Gal with hopes of some SPS,LPS,Softies...


Active Member
I use a workhorse 7 above my 29g. It stays cool to the touch and so do the bulbs. I believe it has a 1 yr warranty, and was easy to wire. I have found no drawback to it, and it only cost $45, and can run 220w with 2 48" bulbs, 150w over my s9g with 24" bulbs.


Thanks for the input Bronco...I'm leaning towards the Workhorse 7 for now...
I noticed that the website calls it an "In fixture flourescent."
Do you have yours mounted away from the hood, like an IceCap with a wiring harness?


Active Member
Nope mine is right in the hood. Does not put off enough heat to even bother anything. You could remote it if you wanted I guess. I will take some pictures tonight for you if you want.


i use workhorse 7 ballasts with fans on my 125
and workhorse 5 on my 45 reef with a 175 mh
they have presented no problems with heat nor with flickering
good solid ballast imho


Did you guys order them from Fulham, they seem to sell in bulk, or do you have another resource for On-Line orders?
Thanks for the input guys, I'm definatly going to order 1 WH 7 to run 2 24"-75W VHO for my 29...Then either do the same for another 150W, or MH 150....


I have checked on the workhorse 7 and a local eletrical supply store would well them for $36.
Thats not a bad price
Eventually im going to get one to power a couple actinics for my tank.


i got mine from
his prices are listed, he will custom wire for you and has good prices on bulbs too
i had them wire mine with fans and insulate them


Well y'all just convinced me...I just ordered the 2 lamp VHO retrokit(no bulbs) for $69.00 from Happyreefing.
It includes the Workhorse7 and the waterfroof endcaps for 2 VHO lamps I can pick up the 2 24" 75 Watt bulbs locally.
In thinking URI Aquasun 10000K and 1 SuperActnicR...they also have an Actinic White 50/50 @12000K....Any thoughts on the bulb selection?
Probably keep my 2 18Watt NO's also, untill I get the 2nd WH or 150 Watt MH...
Probably have to do another post for recomendations on my first CORAL selection...:cool: Unless y'all want to give me a few ideas:D here..
Thanks all...


Active Member
I run 2x24" URI VHO over my 20. I use a 50/50, and a super actinic. A very nice color, nice and white. Plus the corals really look great. I have heard that the aquasuns have a touch of pink to their color. dont quote me on that though.


Great guys...I'll do a 50/50 and actinic...
I'll have my DIY custom hood finished buy the time the lights arrive.
Thanks for all the input...


After inquiring about 24" T5s from happyreefing....They just offered me to wait 1 week for a 2 bulb 22" t5 system for the same price as the VHO, but with 2 T5 bulbs at 24Watts each.....
SHOULD I WAIT FOR THE T5s???????:confused:


I'm currently using a WH7 for my VHO actinic. It works great and does not seem to heat up much at all. I noticed several people saying they are using a WH ballast to power a MH system. Can a work hourse 7 be used to power a 175w MH?