ICH, am I fixing it?


I have 3 fish ICH, I know about hyposalinity, but I am trying garlic soaked food, and a cleaner shrimp and it seems to be working, dose this seem like a good way of going about it? I know it can still resurface, but I just don't have the $$$$ to set up a tank for hyposalinity right now, I will do it if nothing works, to keep from losing any fish, am I on the right road?


Active Member
That is how I fixed mine. There was no way I could get these fish out of the tank. It would of ment taking the entire thing down. I keep using the garlic with each feeding and have not had a issue since.
Good luck.


New Member
Can you tell me how you do the garlic feeding? I am new to all this and don't have a local to ask. What about the cleaner shrimp? What is his purpose?


get a cup and put some tank water in it, put your garlic in, and the food and let it stay for the night in the frige, then feed it the next day, you may want to try not to put the tank water back in the tank if there is a lot of garlic in it, just put the food in, its easy. the cleaner shrimp are a must for tanks that have tangs and other fish
that easily get parasites.
They are interesting to watch. They each have their own station where they
sit and wait for a fish to come close. When a fish is ready to be cleaned they
well change color hue or saturation. This is a queue for the cleaner to climb
aboard and start picking off parasites. They will even clean inside the gills -
it's really something to see.


Not suggesting magic's way is not right but I do it a little different. Because I use garlic with every feeding I keep a container in the frig with tons of crushed garlic and RO/DI water. Then when I am ready to feed I pour enough of the juice out to soak the food in. The more time I have the longer I let it soak. Only suggesting this because I don't have the time to crush fresh garlic (the cheapest way to go out it) everytime I feed. I never pour the garlic juice in the tank, I always drain first.


thats a good one, I use kent marine garlic xtreme, it is a bit pricely, it runs me $10.99 for 1fl oz (30 ml)


Active Member
I Buy the bottle of MCCormick's concentrated Garlic juice for five bucks and it last me almost 6 months. Don't know the size but it's way more than an ounce.