New Member
Hello All, I need some help (advice,guidence,experiences) on an Ich situation being treated with Hyposalinity. I have two fish in QT, a Black Tail Damsel and an Ocellaris Clown, that exibit symptoms of the desease. The Damsel was flicking/scratching against substrates,eating but no spots and the Clown was lathargic,not eating and had numerous spots on fins and body. I started Hypo according to procedures listed in this forum and others lowering salinity gradually over 48+ hours from32-34ppt to 12ppt nominally or 1.009 SG. All parameters maintained steady levels including Ph(8.2) ammonia(0) Nitrites(0) Nitrates(0). When the salinity was reached for Hypo all parameters were stable and treatment was began. The fish responded well with the Damsel still active and eating and the Clown after three days became more active and began to eat. They seemed less stressed. After 5 days the spots were gone from the Clown and still none present on the Damsel with both active and feeding well. On day nineteen, all paramters remaining steady, the Damsel has spots, four to five but rather large noticible ones. Still none on the Clown so far.
Did something happen that prevented the reproductive cycle from being broken? Within this time frame should not the tomants have been killed off? Is this reinfesting on the Damsel or maybe a delay in the cycle since the spots have just now appeared although he was scratching and flashing before with those typical symptoms of Ich?
Is this a wait and see situation or should I maybe consider a medication in conjuction with the Hypo such as a non copper based product or Cupromene at the most as far as copper goes? I have read that it should be safe at the lower salinity in a FO system. Any ideas on this as I am at a loss?
Thanks for any ideas or suggestions,
Did something happen that prevented the reproductive cycle from being broken? Within this time frame should not the tomants have been killed off? Is this reinfesting on the Damsel or maybe a delay in the cycle since the spots have just now appeared although he was scratching and flashing before with those typical symptoms of Ich?
Is this a wait and see situation or should I maybe consider a medication in conjuction with the Hypo such as a non copper based product or Cupromene at the most as far as copper goes? I have read that it should be safe at the lower salinity in a FO system. Any ideas on this as I am at a loss?
Thanks for any ideas or suggestions,