Ich and Inverts


New Member
I have a FO tank with a strawberry crab, fire shrimp, two false percula, a firefish and royal gramma.
I have noticed white spots on one of my clowns. By all I have read I assume it is Ich.
How can I treat for the Ich with the inverts in the tank? I do not have a Qt tank as the tank is just a 29 gal FO tank and that was all I wanted.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I dont think any seriuos treatment is needed. I had my yellow tang with ich three months ago, and it was pretty bad. I used a chemical treatment by Kent, but i forget what it was called. Look up Kent Marine products and try to find it. It seems like your problemt isnt htat seiruos yet.


New Member
I have had real good luck with a product called kick ick. it is safe for inverts and it cured my ick.