Ich and Jerking?


A while ago, both of my percula clowns had Ich. The first one is all better, but the second one may still have it. You can still see an itty bitty white dot on top fin, and if you look really close, there are little tiny white specks on the gills. There used to be big puffs, but those are gone. Also, they are jerking around. Not frequently, but it's definitely not just them swimming. Is the jerking a symptom of Ich, or could that be something else? All water params are fine. About 20 lbs. of live rock. 65 gal. tank. I've been feeding them garlic enriched food. I might try a hospital tank, but I don't have a cycled one. Is it necessary to have a cycled one, or can you just do frequent water changes. Thanks for any help!


Staff member
You're going to have to treat them in a hospital tank. All the fish in your tank. Setup a hopsital tank. You can treat them in an uncycled hospital, but it isn't easy--as you guessed it will be an uphill battle to try and keep the tank from going into a cycle.