Ich and tangs...


Active Member
MMMMMM.......That's a tough one, because it would depend on a lot of factors, IMO. I've just plain seen ick on nearly every type of tang I've encountered.
I think that certainly things like regals and powders are quite prone....maybe yellow, scopas and purples less so. But it is all very, very relative IMO


from my experience the yellows are less prone. Im getting ready to add a tang to my tank, but wanted to find out which ones where a little less risk. I've had a PBT, he wasn't too bad, Hippos just suck, but my yellow was always ok. Just wanna see what else is out there.


Active Member
how about kole "yellow eyed" tangs, I want to get one eventually but am waiting for the tank to establish.


Kole tangs arnt bad my friend has one. but the tang would be going into an aggressive tank, and i dont think a kole would do well in there.
Im still thinking PBT or Purple tang


Active Member
Originally Posted by djevack
PBT or Purple tang
Powder blues are definitely one of the more difficult and ich prone tangs...


Active Member
I think any tang can get ick like any other. All depends on how healthy they are to start and how much stress they have to endure in the new tank. But, if I had to choose I would say a Sailfin is hardiest.


Active Member
is there any tang I could keep in a 4ft tank that wouldn't be aggresive, I was thinking about maybe a lavender tang.


Originally Posted by Yimmy
is there any tang I could keep in a 4ft tank that wouldn't be aggresive, I was thinking about maybe a lavender tang.

yellow or kole, btw we are discussing experience with tangs and ich, not which tangs will fit in what.........


Originally Posted by Dogstar
I think any tang can get ick like any other. All depends on how healthy they are to start and how much stress they have to endure in the new tank. But, if I had to choose I would say a Sailfin is hardiest.

I like sailfins, never had one, how are they in aggressive tanks? I;ve heard they do well.


Active Member
As long as its not too small I dont think it will be a problem with the trigger or eel but I worry about that 4 inch DD not allowing any newcomers..


Active Member
In general, it is the smooth like "skin" texture of tangs which make many of them "ich magnets". The smooth texture allows the parasite to easily attach. This is why they are among the first to show signs of ich if the disease is present in the system.
Off topic and for the benefit of increasing success.....For some tangs such as a Powder Blue...specimen selection is critical for increasing odds for success.


In talking to people I have heard repeatedly that naso's are the "toughest" skin tang and the least likely to get ick.


Active Member
tangs are fine, just hypo them for 6 weeks and u will never have ick again....... all my fish had ick, i hypoed and they are fine for a couple months now...... i'll be getting a baby kole soon....


I agree with DREA completely. Every tang I've gotten I hypo'd while it was in QT and I've never had a real problem keeping them healthy and ich free. I have a Blue hippo, powder blue, and yellow tang. Just be proactive to the ich and don't wait for it to rear it's ugly head.


Originally Posted by boalgf
I agree with DREA completely. Every tang I've gotten I hypo'd while it was in QT and I've never had a real problem keeping them healthy and ich free. I have a Blue hippo, powder blue, and yellow tang. Just be proactive to the ich and don't wait for it to rear it's ugly head.