Ich and the Chromis that Could


Active Member
So my tank has come down with ich. So now I am trying to remove my remaining Green Chromis to let my system run fishless for 6 weeks to finally remove ich from my display tank. I have exhausted everything I can think of to catch him (including a $40 fish trap that he showed no interest in).
Here is my question. If I leave the resilient Chromis in my tank and he remains uninfected for 6 weeks will the ich be gone? I ask this because if the ich arent attaching themselves to him won't that be the same as if my system was empty? Please and Thank you in advance!!
My specs are as follows:
SG 1.026
Temp. 78 - 80
Am. 0
Ni 0
Na 0
Ph 8.2
By the way, I have learned my lesson and will quarantine fish always and forever!!!!!


It makes sense with what you are saying, but lets say you are 3 or 4 weeks in and the dormant ich decides to attach then you have to start all over.
I have removed 2 damsels right away by turning on the lights in the middle of the night and having a net in the water where the damsels reside, while their colors are faded and they are out of it, scooped both of them out. Maybe my damsels are easy to catch or this method works. I have plenty of live rock and didn't have to move any of it.
You got it with the quarantine, I have quarantined every thing I have for about 4 weeks and ich has not entered the DT.


Ditto that shogun, I just lost all fish but three green chromis and just finished setting up my QT yesterday. (This was three weeks ago) I too, have to figure out how to get the three out.
From what I read in response to my ich post, even if they show no signs, you still have it:( Green chromis, from what I understand are very hardy and may show no signs. Mine didn't! See if you can get sepulatian's attention and you will receive yoda-like knowledge on the subject. Good luck!!


Staff member
Bite the bullet, remove the LR, and get that fish out.
That is the only safe way. Anything else is risky.


Yes, he has to come out as well. Do you have a rubbermaid that you could fill with display water and place your rock in (I know a pain in the butt, but if all else has failed)There must be some way to get him out.


Active Member
Gotcha. I do have a rubbemaid as well as extra powerheads and a heater. I will definately get him out. I will keep trying with a net initally. I'd hate to remove everything as I (like everyone else) have put a great effort into my aquascaping to get it exactly how I want. Thanks for the input!! I am in no hurry.


Active Member
Well today my cat-like skills and patience paid off and I netted the Chromis!! You may now call me El Gato!!! So I will be running fishless for the next 7 weeks. Thanks for your input everyone!!


Originally Posted by shogun323
Well today my cat-like skills and patience paid off and I netted the Chromis!! You may now call me El Gato!!! So I will be running fishless for the next 7 weeks. Thanks for your input everyone!!
Lol you got it El Gato
Any questions about hypo you may have, don't hesitate to ask!!!!


Active Member
Sep, someone stole your Avatar!! I was reading through a thread and I thought to myself, "this doesnt sound like Sepulation, hmmmm." Then I noticed the name. How Bizarre.


Originally Posted by shogun323
Sep, someone stole your Avatar!! I was reading through a thread and I thought to myself, "this doesnt sound like Sepulation, hmmmm." Then I noticed the name. How Bizarre.
Ah that is messed up, and yes, that is definately my fish. There can't be two people with the same crapy camera that makes their tank look purple!!! Thanks for bringing that to my attention!