ich attack (again)


i started my tank on Aug 3. i started putting cycle and prime. today i see a lot of ich swimming around the tank. I bought 5 dammsels and now i have 4. the ich is all over my fish. The reason i started was because i used to have other more expensive fish and i took them and place them in a 10 Gal Qt. i usually need to change water every day because the amonia raises very fast.
In my 30 gal tank with the 4 damsels now, the temp is 82 degrees. Brand new water. I dont know what am going to do, because i was hpping this will fix the problems of ich so when i transfer the other fish in the QT tank they will be happy.
What do i do with the ich, i am applying kick-ich since today.
30 gal tank
350 bio filter (magnum)
4 damsels
50lb live rock
1 shrimp cleaner
82 degree temperature.
i dont know what to do.
what i want is to transfer my yellow tang and my flame angel to the 30 gal tank so they can live happily ever after.
I heard there is a fish that eats the ich, it has a white stripe across his boddy. would it be a good idea to buy this fish?


Active Member
Please don't buy any more fish at this time. That is a large part of your problem. You have added way too much life at once for an uncycled tank. You can get a lot of information about cycling a tank in the newbie forums. Most people prefer not to cycle a tank with damsels. The flame angel and yellow tang may not even survive the process. Amquel would be a better choice than frequent water changes to reduce your ammonia level as even low ammonia levels are toxic to angels and tangs. Hyposalinity and copper are the only ways to truly cure ich as kick-ich has very spotty performance.
Cleaner wrasses or neon gobies may be the fish you are talking about. However, they will not eliminate ich as there is usually ich inside the fish's gills. These fish are also sensitive to bad water chemistry.
Welcome to the Boards! One piece of advice would be to slow down. You have been obviously given wrong information from your LFS. Few good things happen quickly in this hobby.


Active Member
What I would probably do is take all the damsels out and just let the tank sit with the live rock for 3-6 weeks so that all the ich die. If there is no fish in the tank, the ich have nothing to host off of. Three weeks would kill most of them, but if there are any eggs in your tank (which you would not see), they would begin to attach possibly after the three weeks. This is why I recommend closer to 6 weeks, as if you were cycling the tank.


Active Member
Most pf the magic additives do little to establish a closed marine system. Shelf life, improper transport and suspect packaging render most ineffective.
Most cleaner wrasses will starve in a closed marine system.
Kick ich DOES NOTHING to parasites. How can one magical product supposedly kill ich while leaving everything else alone? It defies logic.
A 30 gallon tank is too small for a yellow tang long-term and short -term.
You will need to let the tank run fallow for 6 weeks as suggested. You can also treat the damsels with hyposalnity. Do a search and you will find instructions on how to do so.
I would return the yellow tang and flame angel if you can. Your system is not ready for either animal based on size and age.