Ich Attack


I have a 75g tank w/ 100lbs LR. It is 3 months old. It has two tomato clowns, two cleaner shrimp, snails, mushroom polyps, green star polyps, and some type of green fluorescent brain coral. There are many small feather dusters and great amount of coraline algae (green & purple).
The tank was hit by Ich and I lost a yellow tang and the clowns are now fighting it. They have been suffering over a week now. The water parameters are fine and the corals are thriving.
Three questions - I am assuming the shrimp and corals are immune - is this correct? Also, if I lose the clowns, how long must I wait for the ich to die off? I will set up a quarantine tank for future use. Last, the fish were all doing great until I introduced the brain coral. Can the coral/rock host "dormant" ich?


A very good question. I added some live rock to my tank that i got from another tank. I had no Ich in my tank and now I have an ich breakout on my Naso Tang, My foxface, and 1 of my chromis. all those fish have been in the tank and fine.
i was wondering the same thing... Could ich have come in riding on the LR??
Just fishing for answers and suggestions...


some say you will never get rid of ich 100%, its just somehting that lives in saltwater. you may only see the ich if you stress the fish some how. ie. adding rock.
good luck


Staff member
Ich can come in on LR if the LR has been in a tank where infected fish are housed, or where filtration is shared with fish tanks.
Since ich has a free swimming stage, as well as an stage where they attach to substrate [like LR] then it is possible to introduced ich via LR.


Thanks Beth. I was afraid of that.
I came home today and my Blonde Naso Tang seems to have cleared himself up. The foxface is still stuggling.
With 115lbs of LR in there I doubt I can catch him to QT him. Guess I will have to hope for the best.

big boy69

So, if you get ich in your tank, is there a way/additive to add to your water to get rid of it?
What if you have a reef tank and a lot of inverts also?
Bottom line is, can you treat your whole tank w/o removing everything??


yes this can be done. You need to see me at work in the morning and i will fill you in on how to cure your tank from ich


There is this product on the market no called Stop Parasite. 100% reef safe. I spoke with the Hiden Reef in Phily. and this is what they sugested. They also told me to do the proper dosing and not over dose. 100% safe for snails, crabs, starfish, clams, oyster ect.


Active Member
I've used the Stop Parasite from Chem-Marin before. It looks like tea. Its hit or miss on whether it will work. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. It will also stain your rocks. The rock in my QT is now a greyish color (kinda like pencil) from it. I wouldn't use it again.


Active Member
i use this stuff called no-ick it seemd to help most of the time i have 180 pounds of rock so i can't catch any fish to treat...i have a flame angel with it now it's starting to look better so far no one else has it....i hope