
Lucky me in my 125 gal fowlr tank I woke up to an outbreak of Ich. I want to cure it by lowering salinity but not sure if it is ok with lr and clean up crew. Will clean up crew or shrimps suffer. There is also one small anemone attached to a rock. Will dropping the salinity hurt anyone long term or just the Ich. Can't quarntine all the fish. Only new items added were a few pieces of rock last week from lfs. Thanks for any suggestions:(


Staff member
You can not drop salinity in a tank with LR or inverts.
If you have a all out outbreak of ich, then garlic is not going to address it. You'll need to isolate the fish in a hospital tank and treat with hyposalinity.


any quess on if it will hurt lr or clean up crew to hyposalinity the entire tank? At this point maybe I should try and let all of you know.


What i've decided to try. I removed all rock, crabs, shrimp, snails etc and moved them to a rubbermaid container. I know I'll lose the stuff in my sand and sump but when treatment is done I'll up grade to dsb and add some live sand to kick start it. Since it is for fish only I didn't have a large clean up crew to worry about since overtime i believe some fish were taking liberties with extra dinners. Hope this works, let me know what you think Beth and others