ich frustrations!!!!!

saltyfish dude

New Member
I currently have an ich problem in one of my three saltwater tanks. I have been keeping saltwater for about a year now. My first was my 100 gal reef, the second, which is the one I am having the problem with, is a 72 gal bowfront with about 80 lbs of live rock. And I also have a 50 gal corner tank which is currently cycling. My problem is the ich that is mostly affecting my auriga butterfly in my 72 gal. I understand the whole "quarantine" and "hospital tank" concept, and I have had success with it. However I am extremely frustrated with this method, although it works great on the particular fish itself, I will admit, the problem ultimately is the ich is already in the main system by the time you notice the problem. There is all this info on prevention and individual fish cure, but this helps me none. Does anyone have experience or an opinion on getting rid of the problem in the main system, keeping in mind the live rock. Do you know of any way to treat the main system without tearing it down, there has got to be a way. Please share your ideas..........Neal in Grover Beach, CA.....


Active Member
Take any fish out and leave the tank fallow for 6 weeks or so. You interrupt the parasite's life cycle, and it will die off. You also have to treat any fish that have been exposed, so as not to reinfect the tank when you put them back in. Quarantine and hospital tanks are important, but so is treating the infected fish, as the parasite will not simply go away on it's own. Do a read on hyposalinity in the disease forum.


there is this blue medicine made by mardel i believe, i cant remember the exact name, but i found it works pretty good, i want to say its something like copper safe but im not sure. It is bottle with 2 caps, and there is a measuring unit on top the bottle to show how to use. I find it the best method if you have live rock,


Copper work but it kills alot of stuff. If you have a fish only tank and don't want to worry about it again run copper but I would get a copper test kit.


NEVER DOSE THE MAIN SYSTEM WITH COPPER!!! Sorry to be so bold, but copper or "the blue stuff" will ruin a display tank for any inverts you may ever want to keep.