Ich got my grouper...help


My tank is empty except for one piece of l/r,dead coral pieces,and l/s.How will we be sure the ich is gone before moving my friends from my 10 gal. to the ich..tified tank ??????:( :mad: :confused:


Staff member

Originally posted by myescape0
How will we be sure the ich is gone before moving my friends from my 10 gal. to the ich..tified tank ??????:( :mad: :confused:

Didn't quite get that? :confused:
Did you treat the fish? Some more details needed.



Originally posted by Beth
Didn't quite get that? :confused:
Did you treat the fish? Some more details needed.

I tried to treat him but he didn't make it.I moved my cc starfishes,snails,and hermits.I'm running my tank empty with only l/r and l/s and treating every 24 hours with rid-ich. When will I be able to put other fish in it again ? I want to move the fish, etc. from my ten gal to the 33 gal w/the ich. I have a toadfish(got from the beach Sat.),snowflake eel,coral-banded shrimp,hermits,snails,and crabs (got from the beach Sat.)l/r with some type of anenomes on it,several feather dusters in it,baracles from the beach.


Staff member
Stop treating with Rid Ich. It's effectiveness is questionable at best, and its long term effects on reef tanks can be undesirable. For instance, I saw a tank treated with rid ich. It had some coral, fish. The mushrooms all bleeched out [lost there color].
If the tank is fishless for 3 wks after the removal of the infected fish, then the tank should be ok. However, if you remaining fish were exposed to ich, they should be treated before returning them to the display.
Hyposalinity is the best method for treating ich. If you want info on hypo, there is a post on the subject in the FAQ section.



Originally posted by Beth
Stop treating with Rid Ich. It's effectiveness is questionable at best, and its long term effects on reef tanks can be undesirable. For instance, I saw a tank treated with rid ich. It had some coral, fish. The mushrooms all bleeched out [lost there color].
If the tank is fishless for 3 wks after the removal of the infected fish, then the tank should be ok. However, if you remaining fish were exposed to ich, they should be treated before returning them to the display.
Hyposalinity is the best method for treating ich. If you want info on hypo, there is a post on the subject in the FAQ section.

THANK YOU :D ...if a fish is occassionally scratching against the rock ...should we be worried ??????