Ich........How do you know?


How do you know your fish has Ich? What does it look like? If I do have it, should I start using garlic extract to treat it or what are my other options? And is the garlic extract the same as what you would get at a grocery store?
I have a blue tang and he has developed a little white spot on his left side. Seems like it's appearing between his eyes too. But still not quite sure. Maybe it's just me over reacting.
I also have a yellow tang with him that has never been fully yellow around his eyes. It's kind of looks a little pale around his eye. I wish I could take a picture to show everyone but my camera battery is dead.
They both have been swimming around fine and eating frozen brine and green seaweed.


About the garlic extract, is it just from the grocery store or can I use fresh garlic to soak the brine in?


Thanks for the help. It's much appreciated.
I also decided to give away the yellow tang. I like my blue one way too much.


Staff member
Get some batteries in your camera and post up some pics. The white around the yellow tang's eyes could be the beginning of HLLE.
I find that FRESH garlic is the best. Cut the garlic up in the same container that you will soak your food in. That way the "juice" is retained and used up during the food soaking. Meaty food for soaking, I believe, is best [like fresh seafoods].
However, if you have ich, you will need to treat with hyposalinity. What type of tank do you have and do you have a QT?