Ich in tank


New Member
I'm fairly new to the hobby. Since I didnt educate myself before starting, I dont have a QT so I always put new arrivals straight in. Just a matter of time till something popped up I guess.
Anyways, 2 of my fish, both tomato clowns have ich. I have been reading posts but I want to make sure I have it all straight.
I should:
1 - Not add any meds to main tank since I have LR.
2 - Set up a QT and get all my fish in it and treat them with hyposalinity. How big should QT tank be?
3 - Keep the fish there for a while(not sure how long) and wait for parasites to die off in main tank.
4 - put fish back in
I've read about the garlic feedings but the fish are not eating so not sure how that would help.
I will probably use this tank as QT once I move into a larger setup but that wont happen in time I dont hti
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
29 gal tank
30 lbs LR
Tetratec PF 150
Maxijet 400
2 tomato clowns
1 gobi
1 striped damsel
1 emerald crab
1 pepermint shrimp
4 hermits


Ill try to answer your question. Yes the QT tank is really what you need. Looking at your stock there a 10 gallon QT should work fine. Then do hyposalinity (lowering the salinity level gradualy to 1.009 over a 48 hour time frame.) Leave him in the QT tank for over 3 weeks. In the main tank the ick will die off without a host (fish). Do not do hypo in the main tank as it will kill off Live Rock, inverts and corals. And dont add any meds to the main tank (i.e copper, kick-ick. For the long run I would set the QT tank up and cycle it. Then what you will do is when the fish seem to be healthy acclimate them back to the salinity level of the main tank (over 48 hours). Also do a search in the disease forum for hypo. There is lots of info out there on it. Also soaking their food in garlic will help their immune system. HTH