ich info.


New Member
does cupramine really work ,has anybody in here ever used or uses it please let me know and the directions on the bottle say 2 drops per gallon the first day then in 48-hours repeat then leave in water system 14-days the put back in carbon filter and it should remove the copper i just hope that the doesage it say does not hurt my fish its my first time using copper my fish are ---porcupine puffer and alge blennie and a fuzzy dwarf lion...


Active Member
never used it, but make sure u take all of the liverocks out. the copper will contaminate them.

al mc

Active Member
I have used Cupramine before in a QT tank to treat Ich.
Some suggestions:
1. Do not use around inverts or live rock
2. Get the Seachem test kit for the cupramine and test the level daily
3. There is much debate about copper being able to get into silicon, etc.
so many people do not put any live rock or inverts in any tank that has
had a copper product used in it.
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Do not use Cupramine without using a copper test kit specific for Cupramine.You cannot rely on the directions to get an accurate dosage. Also... puffers do not tolerate copper very well. You should go to the disease forum and read about hyposalinity which is a better treatment, IMHO, for ich.