Ich Issues.....


New Member
I have a cowfish and he has ich but its not bad (knock on wood ) but it comes and goes and i have a QT tank but cant do hyposlanity because my hydromter doesnt go down that far and i dont have that much money for those fancy ones .. so should i treat him with a medication instead ?? If so which one?? thanks :help:


Active Member
You could use copper. That must be done in a QT as well because even a very small amount is fatal to inverts, corals, etc.


Active Member
Glad I can assist :). This site sells Cupramine made by SeaChem. However, if your LFS carries that or Mardel's Coppersafe, I would probably try looking there first since it'll take a few days to ship if you bought it here. Also, make sure you invest in a copper test kit so you can make sure you're administering the right amount. :happyfish