Ich on Damsel?


I am a newbie to saltwater and I am afraid my damsel(first fish) may have ich?????? Can someone please let me know what you think????? And if it is, if I put both my damsels in QT for hypo, do I have to also hypo my tank with 2 snails, sand siffting star, cleaner shrimp and yellow polyps????? Help, I am so confused and I don't want to lose everything in my first tank!!!!!!


Staff member
Yes, it does kinda look like ich, though the picture is not the best. Take a look at the pictures in the Diseased Fish Thread, at the top of the Disease Forum, to see if you can get a positive ID on this.
Be sure to follow the hyposalinity procedures exactly. The procedure is detailed in the FAQ Thread, also at the top of this forum.