Ich on first fish



I set up a new 125 gallon tank and I have a snowflake eal in the new tank which is doing fine. I decided to add a fish and I found a harliquin tusk that was unusually small abou 1 1/2 inchs long. I added him to the tank and I noticed 3 spots of ich on one fine and he is twitching. What is the best way to deal with this problem? I have no other fish so will he every come out of this stage?


Do a quick search in this forum, and you're find an abundance of info.


Staff member
Hello! Welcome to SWF.com !
Is your tank strictly fish only? Do you have live rock?
Take a look at the hyposalinity info which is posted in the FAQ section at the top of the forum. Hyposalinity is the best choice for ich treatment, however, it needs to be don in a fish-only tank, or a quarantine.
Let us know if you have any questions after reading.