ICH On Fish With Lots Of Live Rock & Inverts



I Have ICH On My Tank, It Had It Before But It Went Away. I Have Lots Of Live Rocks On My 45 Gallon Tank. And I Have Hermit Crabs And Shrimps. Something I Heard That Is Good That I'm Working On It Is To Raise The Temperature. That ICH Cannot Handle More Than 88 or 90 I Forgot What It Was. I Have
1. Tiger Pistol Shrimp
2. Bulls Eye Shrimp
3. Horned Blenny
4. Cleaner Shrimp
5. Fire Shrimp
6. RARE Purple Coral Banded
7. Yellow Tank
8. Coral Beauty
9. Green Chromis 3
10. Hermit Crabs
11. Mexican Goby
12. Firefish Goby
13. Blue Tang
14. Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish
15. Snails
16. Red And Normal Scooter Blenny
They All Have Been Doing Great. Just That Now I Have Ick On Some Of My Fish.


That's alot of fish(12) for a 45gal. Stress could be a factor and water quality as well. What are your parameters?Raising the temp just speeds up the life cycle of ick. Remember the fish will be in there with the 88 or 90 degree water too.


Greetings. Im sorry to say but your tank sounds like a recipe for disaster. I will try to suggest the right things. Not a personal attack at all.
First off there are way to many things in that 45. Two tangs, which really shouldnt be together beacuse of interspecies fighting, each of wich will out-grow the 45 even if they were alone. Tangs need huge tanks with lot of swimming room. I hope you take them back. The second thing and maybe the most important is to research the ich parasite and ts lifecycle. Its been talked about so many times and the info is so available I cant tell you here. QUARANTINE ALL NEW FISH FOR 4 WEEKS MINIMUM to avoid parasite infestation.
My suggestion is to learn about hyposalinity. Get a refractometer, pick up a hospital tank (like a 30 or 40gal) and put ALL your fish in there for at least 4 weeks with 6 weeks even better. This will eradicate the parasite from your fish and your display tank(which will have to remain fish-less for the whole 4 to 6 weeks). If you do this, please be careful to maintain the highest water quality possible in the hospital tank. You will be doing lots of water changes in the hospital tank to keep the ammonia down, as this is a often overlooked thing, and most likely a large reason for fish death in hospital tanks, as opposed to the actual parasite killing the fish.
This is the only way I see you getting out of this with the least amount of losses.
Youve already spent a ton of money on your tank and fish. Dont skimp now or it will all be wasted.
Good Luck and keep asking questions.
John :)


Staff member

Originally posted by MaDdEsT
That I'm Working On It Is To Raise The Temperature. That ICH Cannot Handle More Than 88 or 90

It would be nice if this would work. My job here would certainly be a lot easier, but, unforntuately, it won't work. And those high temps could result in killing your livestock!
You're going to have to bite the bullet and quarantine your fish, then treat them. Check out the FAQ Thread and the informational post on ICH and hyposalinity.



Originally posted by MaDdEsT
I Have done water test and everything is alright.

I have heard that hundreds of times....
Water parameters are not an indicator of your fishes health.
Please, for your fishes sake, read the threads.
Good Luck. Keep us informed. Let us know if we can help.