Ich on Sailfin Tang


I bought a Sailfin tang about a week ago, and sadly the poor thing is covered in ich. People told me before that they are moody, and it will go away, but it hasn't. Today I purchased more seaweed sheets and a cleaner wrasse. I'm going to cube up some garlic to throw in there at feeding time aswell. Any other suggestions besides QT tank?
Any help is appreciated! Thanks!


sorry to read about the tang hopefully he will get over it but is he in qt, u should deffinently put him there if youve got one, im not sure about the garlic being cubed you should probably extract the juice fom it instead or by a bottle of garlic juice and souk the food in it before you feed and also lowering the salt level is a good idea


Ich is not something that fish "get over" nor does it just "go way". Ich is a parasite. Fish can fight it off if they are extremely healthy. A new fish is unlikely to fight off parasites without treatment. Sad but true. Read Beth's Common Treatments FAQ, located at the top of this board for info on ich, the life cycle, and treatments that actually work.


are you sure its ich?....when I got my sailfin a couple months ago same thing happen to him on his left and on the anal fin...but it didnt look like any ich i'd ever seen so I just kept an eye on him for a couple weeks and the two spots got smaller and smaller as if they were scabs..it almost looked as if he brushed up against a rock a little to hard and cut himself.


I had the exact same thing with my sailfin tang, I bought him form the lsf and about a week and half later i saw ich forming on him, i started giving him vitachem and he started looking a lot better, its only been a week and he looks better but since i dont have a QT tank im starting hypo this week...yayyyy...funn...


New Member
can you please tell me since you are going to do hypo with fish in tank how fast do you plan to lower salinity. I have been lowering mine very slow started out at 34 and now over two weeks later I am at 19, every time I started to do more than 5 gal removal and replace with ro no salt, adding a half scoop of ph 8.2 buffer, my fish start stressing extreemely bad Some of the fish which were very very healthy before I started dropping salinity are now looking worse than the sick fish which were showing signs of ick. It appears to me I am making things worse. I am checking my levels all the time. I have a 125 gal .


New Member
thankyou for your reply, if I do that by the way my panther grouper and especially the dogface puffer act , going to the bottom breathing way heavy , looking like the are going to die any minute from shock, Im scared they will die.I have already aprox 500.00 in fish down the toilet, mostly due to me putting too many fish too fast, My water quality and equipment should really up to par. Would you look at the post and read what I posted in the fish discussion forumunder motivate71 also the one I posted on kube,s post in the deiease and treatment forum and please consider helping me further????!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????Thanx sooooooo much,David


Originally Posted by motivate71
thankyou for your reply, if I do that by the way my panther grouper and especially the dogface puffer act , going to the bottom breathing way heavy , looking like the are going to die any minute from shock, Im scared they will die.I have already aprox 500.00 in fish down the toilet, mostly due to me putting too many fish too fast, My water quality and equipment should really up to par. Would you look at the post and read what I posted in the fish discussion forumunder motivate71 also the one I posted on kube,s post in the deiease and treatment forum and please consider helping me further????!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????Thanx sooooooo much,David
Can you post the links to those threads here for everyone? If water quality and equipment are not up to par then the fish are already stressed and are now fighting disease on top of that. Do you have a quarantine tank? What all is in the display?


New Member
Thanks , I was saying that my water quality and equipment are up to par, if anything I feel I am in overkill with both, meaning i have a beerlin skimmer 250 gal terminator skimmer 125 gal u v steralizer 125 gal two emperor 400 bio filters, a www.ecoaqualizer.com- 225 gal., a unit helping to clean and oxiginate water also using a ionic charge to reduce harmful free radicals. I am trying this gadget . will you please look at website and give me your opinion?, regulary doing water changes aprox 35-45 gal. using red sea coral pro sea saltWhen my son was here for the summer we added aprox 6 fish in about a 6 week period.From 6 fish to twelve, My bad mistake, I just was acting like a kid myself plus wanting to get fish for my son.I thought I could make it thru by doing water changes frequently,untill my bacteria built up to handle waste, however I started 7-22-08 with buying a 5 " powder blue, I now know a very delicate fish ,which was the first to get ick then my puffer got it next, however I still have him, after some serious fighting and struggling. The powder blue was straight from ocean, or wholeseller, insted of a healthy tank,he actuall died aprox 2 and a half weeks ago which is what inspired me to go ahead and undertake this hypo process. I have been in the hobby almost a year and do have a very nice ,pretty and healthy 29 gal reef bowfront with a pair of maroon clowns lawnmower bleenie, mandrian goby, and a baby fox face.a few days arter the poeder blue I added a lion fish and a panther grouper on the same day, ( which actually I just lost the lion in a qt due to nitrate spike , I put him in there cause i didnt want to take a chance of loosong him from possible stress related to low salinity,also because he was showing no signs of ick, and supposodely not really prone to ick, due to my neglance from concentrating soo much on the dt, I lost him from nitrate spike but he was doin great and eating silversides off a feeding stick)--- aall that in paranthesis I was just explaning the situation with lion fish but actually a week after I put the panther and lion in I put in a clown trigger,and the next week a radiatta lionfish, which never ate and died with in 2-3 weeks, and a couple weeks from that a emperor angle. I am now down to eight fish , there relatively small from 1 " huma trigger to largest a 4.5 inch yellow tang then a 4 " panther grouper, 2.5 " sailfin tang, 4 " lunar wrasse ,3.5 " bi color fox face, 4 " yellow headed sleepy goby, 3 " dogface puffer, I also have a friend holding in very established healthy tank , a 4 " volitin lion fish, and a 4.5 inch blue hippo. Right now I am at 1.012 /16 as I have been slowly dropping salinity,taking 5-10 gal out and putting half scoop 8.2 buffer in fresh r o water. I see no signs of ick, fish are seeming to stabalize as I have been adding aprox 30 ml of stress coat after each water exchange. I was planning to leave at 1.009 for a week then increase salinity the same way I lowered it 5-10 gal per day(5 in early a m and 5 late pm if all is looking well . I feed them before I do this water exchange using a combination of mysis, brine, krill, silversides,formula 1 & 2 flake, spirulina and green sea weed sheets ALL soaked in organic garlic boost and zoecon . I wasnt sure which fish to add first between the Lion or the hippo. Any advice? And I would really like to add a emperor angle to finalize my tank. 11 fish in a 125 gal with plans to upgrade to 220 plus in a year or so , whenever necessary, to accomidate the larger fish such as panther grouper, puffer, tangs, lionfish. What does this sound like to you? I spoke with Kim @ swf, and she spoke very highly of you and Beth. Sir Quizzy, Thanx again for your advice and willingness to share your knowledge!!! Sincerelly,David


Time 09:45 In my QT tank had brown algae all over so I clean it whit my MagFloat and at the same time I stress out my Clown Tang. He has been in the tank for eight days now from the time I got him so I could watch him before I put him in the display tank. I had lettuce for him to eat on.he stop eating so I put the seaweed with garlic, he still did not eat. Seen some sign of ich so I watched him all day. At around 21:30hr about 12 hr later he was covered with Ich. I took out the lettuce, I dropped the SG down from 1.026 to 1.022. I kept the temp the same 76.5. And went to bed.
The next morning the tang look a lot better, very little spots if any at all and he is eating. I still have the seaweed with garlic in the tank. I think it was the Garlic and the SG at 1.022. Just wanted to say thanks to all that sends in on this message boards. THANKS.