Ich On Tang


New Member
So it started seeing white spots on my regal tang?( the one from finding nemo, Dory )...Today it has gotten alot worse...i was going to set up a QT tank last week but put it off...
...so after researching treatment and prevention...i have to set up a QT tank without letting it cycle..i have inverts and rose anemone and star polyps...dont want them to die from treatment...so my question is does anyone have any tips to setup a QT in a day...all parameters are good...everyone else looks fine but dory isnt doing her usual laps around the tank...HELP and/or Suggestions


Active Member
What are you running on your 39 gallon in terms of filtration. Canister or sump. I had to set up an HT for all my fish a couple of weeks ago - I took some filter media (sponges) out of my canister filter and put them in my HOB Aquaclear 50 filters on the HT. How big is the tang, in all honesty your tank is too small for such a fish, they need a lot of room for swimming or they get stressed out. How big is your HT going to be - read the stickies in the disease section of this forum really helped me out a lot. Good luck


New Member
built in sump in the rear?...35 gallons is in my display and 4 goes thru the back filter, skimmer, refugium and pump...plan on selling the tang back to the LFS store...we talked about it...but gonna wait til he gets a lil bigger...hes just a baby now...he is very happy in my tank...spends a good amount of time doing laps..."just keep swimming..just keep swimming.."lol...dory from "finding nemo" to those who dont know or remember...im planning on setting up a small 2.5 HT...saw it on *****...gonna buy it tomorrow...well monday...go steelers...saw a couple threads saying that sometimes the fish might fight off ich...fed it seaweed that i rubbed some garlic juice(GJ) on....read that GJ increases appetite therefore strengthening the immune system...so much info..so many different ways...i'll keep ya'll posted...
"just keep swimming..just keep swimming"


Active Member
I think 2.5 ga HT will be too small - are you going to run hypo or copper. See if you can get at least a 10 gallon to be safe - then you won't be fighting salinity changes as much, with hypo it is very important to maintain 1.009


Staff member
How many fish do you have? All fish that was exposed to the tang with ich, will also need treatment. You can not treat with medication in an uncycled tank. You best option is using hyposalinity. The size QT you plan for is way too small.
And just so you know, keeping a tang in a 39 is way too small as well.