ich one day none the next


Active Member
well to start i got a blue hippo tang last saturday he is doing great but last night i saw about 6 little white ich spots on him, and one on my blue chromi. today he has nothing at all on him same with the chromi. i bought some rid ich the "reef" safe kind safe ffor inverts the LFS raved on it and swore it works great and will not hurt my inverts. should i play it by ear and watch them to see if they get any more ich since they have none at all today? or dose the tank anyways, it claims you can use it to prevent ich as well.


Staff member
So, I'm assuming you have a reef?? Those so-called reef safe meds are hit and miss in terms of effectiveness. And, the long term effects on inverts or the general health of your reef is a is a factor.
What type of tank do you have, what is in it? I'm assuming you don't have a QT?


Active Member
i have no corals atm. i have 2 cleaner shrimp 20 scarlet hermits 4 turbo snails and about 15 other breed snails a feather duster a serpent star a red brittle, fighting conch, a fuge with lots of macro. 2 blue chromis one green chromis one hippo tang. no QT tank wife wont let me get it quite yet but im not adding anymore fish without one period. but i so dont want to lose my hippo he eats like a pig and eats anything i feed him, i will have kents garlic xtreme tomorrow to soak the brine in, i have been using zoe. help me keep him alive if you can Beth, thank you!


Staff member
Setting up a QT does not have to cost that much $$ if that is the problem. You can try the reef safe product, but, as I said, it may, or may not work.
I think real minced garlic works better than the packaged stuff. I've used both, and that is my opinion. Are the cleaner shrimp working on the ich-ed fish?


Active Member
i have not seen the hippo go to the cleaners to be cleaned, but i do work all day, mabey it did service him and ate all of the dots on him i saw i think six last night. im pretty sure it was ich but i guess it could have been bubbles but i doubt it. mabey i should get a cleaner fish i think its a goby or wrass? he might help. Do you think i should wait on dosing the tank and A feed with the garlic and B get a cleaner fish as well, and C keep an eye to see if he gets anymore on him then doseif he does?


Active Member
well today i saw the blue hippo go to the scarlet cleaner shrimp and he was cleaning him so i guess that is a plus. and today i am starting the garlic method (just soakiing it with food) not adding it to the tank. no visable parasites but i know that doesnt mean anything yet. let's hope if i can keep him healthy enough his own defense will not let the parasite attach or mabey the cleaner will keep them off him. i am not going to add anymore fish without a QT that is next on my list. i may be lucky here, he sure has alot of energy and healthy. no i did not dose the tank with the no ich, plan is if i see them on the fish again i dose otherwise im going to use the above methods.


Most people would not recommend a cleaner wrasse. They almost always die in captivity. I am glad your shrimp is going to work though!!!


Active Member

Originally posted by sheracr123
Most people would not recommend a cleaner wrasse. They almost always die in captivity. I am glad your shrimp is going to work though!!!

i didnt know that, i believe it says they are easy to take care of here.


It may say that on SWF.com, but do a search for them on this board and you will get a diffrent opinion. There is always an exception to the rule, but I think they usually starve to death.
SWF after all is a fish store...:D