Ich? or healing fins


I have 2 pajama cardinals, and 2 ocell clowns. I believe I have 2 male cardinals which I know is bad. The problem is the smaller cardinal gets picked on all the time and his fins are in real bad shape. today I noticed 3 white balls on his fins, and only fins. Hes the only one with this. Is this Ich? or is that what happens when the fins heal back?


the reason I wander if its the fins healing is beause the spots are on the bad parts of the fins. I have seen Ich in freshwater and I always remember it appearing on the body


Active Member
Google Lymphocystis, to see if it looks like that. They are cauliflower looking clumps on the end of fish fins. It is a virus.
I would remove it, not because it may be this, but I know from experience that it is no go for two males if the tank is not really big, 40gallons is not big enough.


yeah I agree, I just bought a small tank for a hospital tank, and im going to put him in there soon, if he doesnt mind the small area I might keep him in there or take him back to the store. Its a 6 gallon marine land, I know its small but its going to be my hospital tank.