New Member
I want to know how long ich will last in a tank. Ive had my tank setup about 6 months and had no problems till now. Its a 90 gallon with 5 damsels(from the cycle),1 coral beauty,2 cleaner shrimp,1 emerald(hitchhicker),25 or so hermits and about a dozen snails,50 pounds of live rock and some zoas and a leather and 1 coral im not sure of. And then i added 1 hippo tang. No qt, My mistake I know, lesson learned. My coral beauty started showing white spots. I set up a 29 gallon qt(1 fish to late) broke down the rock, caught and moved the fish to the qt and started with cupramine. The hippo tang got covered and passed sometime during the night. My question is how long before i can move the qt fish back to the main tank safely, and is there anything i should do to the main tank that wont hurt whats in there? The corals, rock and cleaning crew are still in the 90 gallon