ich please help beth


my show tank was fishless for 25 days and i bought 2 damsels 2 days ago and now they have ich. did i put them in to early or what. What should i do to my show tank to get rid of the ich. How long does it take ich to die off. Thanks.


Active Member
Did you quranteen the new fish. If not they probably brought the ich with them. Also the tank should be fishless 4-6 weeks. Possible that ich was still in the tank as you where just under 4 weeks fishless.


Active Member
I agree that the ich was probably still in the tank when you added the fish in. Since fish can get ich easily from stress, then the damsels were very sucsebtable (sp?) to catching it from getting moved into your tank. If you have a hospital tank then the best method of treatment is hyposalinity. Hypo is lowering the salinity level to where ich cannot live. Its the safest and most effective treatment for your fish. You can do a search on hypo for more info.


Staff member
QT prior to introducing new fish is the ONLY way to avoid this problem.