Ich??? Please help


New Member
I have just purchased a blue hippo. He has some white spots, and has rubbed himself against a rock a few times. My fish guy told me this was just stress???? If it is ich, I don't have another tank to quarantine. If I take the hippo back tommorow has he still infected my tank. Is this treatable in the tank with the fish and coral. Thanx


Staff member
Hello, and welcome to the BB. It is not stress. Ich is a parasite. Just about all fish have it, so you would be better off thinking about setting up a QT, espeically if you have a reef tank.
If you remove the hippo, I would not put any more fish in your tank now for at least a month. No, there is nothing you can safely and effectively put into a reef tank. If you have other fish in your tank, and the hippo does have ich, then all your fish have been compromised. Take a look at the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum.
Try offering the hippo heavy feedings of fresh garlic mixed in with is food. Perhaps you can fend off the ich before it actually take hold on the fish. Don't get any more fish for now.