ICH! please help


New Member
well ive had my tank set up for about 2 months now and it was fine till now... theres all these bubble things on 2 of my fish which i later found out is ich... how do i fix it?!?!?!
also... i dont know why but i got 5 clown fish a while ago and they all died one by one.... i dont know why. then i noticed the ich shortly after... the clowns all lived for a max of 2 weeks...

nacl freak

Welcome! We will try and help. ICH first. There are loads of info about the treatment. One of the best is Beth's [first threads under disease and treatment].We need more information,water parameters,what size tank, inverts?,live rock?, other fish. Did your tank cycle before adding fish or did you add all five at same time?


Active Member
There are a few options you have to cure ich. If you want to completely get rid of ich use hyposalinity as long as you either quarantine the effected fish or keep them in your tank if you dont have inverts. Another method would be to quarintine the fish and put in some brand name meds for ich (you can get them at your LFS). Those are all the methods I know. Good luck!

al mc

Active Member
Kat..You may be able to control Ich with bottled products, but the best way to insure that you eliminate it would be following Beth's instructions in the archived thread about ICh..hyposalinity or copper for the fish in a QT. And a
fishless Display Tank (DT) for about 6 weeks.
While the clowns you lost could have had Ich, I would make sure that the water parameters are all 'good'...pH, temp, salinity, ammonia, 'trites' and 'trates'.
If you have not already done so, I would suggest reading the archived files becasue there is a lot of good info there...and don't be afraid to ask lots of questions.


Originally Posted by Kat45
well ive had my tank set up for about 2 months now and it was fine till now... theres all these bubble things on 2 of my fish which i later found out is ich... how do i fix it?!?!?!
also... i dont know why but i got 5 clown fish a while ago and they all died one by one.... i dont know why. then i noticed the ich shortly after... the clowns all lived for a max of 2 weeks...
Welcome to the boards Kat
If your tank has been set up for two months then the five clowns likely died from water quality. How do you know that your fish have ich? You said it looked like bubbles. Ich is small white spots, it usually starts on the tail fin, but not always. Take a look at Beth's Diseased Fish FAQ. She has many examples of ich on there. If your fish has ich then you can either move any rock and inverts into a tub, or move the fish into a cycled QT. Ich is an invert and cannot be treated with other inverts in the tank.