Ich Problem and Question



ok so i just bought a new flame angel and after a day of being in the tank i noticed he has a slight case of ich on his fins. I just got kick Ich and started day one of the 15 day treatmeant. All carbon has been removed and the protein skimmer has been turned off. The only thing i am not sure of is do i do any water changes doing the 15 day treatment or do i hold off until the the medication cycle has ended?


Active Member
Hold off until the medication cycle is done.
How long did you acclimate the fish for? What is the process by which you acclimated the fish?
What are your water levels (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, kH, salinity, temp)?
How long has the tank been set-up?


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Hold off until the medication cycle is done.
How long did you acclimate the fish for? What is the process by which you acclimated the fish?
What are your water levels (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, kH, salinity, temp)?
How long has the tank been set-up?
acclimated the fish for an hour and a half by the drip method. Tank has been set up for 4 and a half months now.
Temp 78
Salinity 1.025
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
PH 8.2
Alkalinity 3.89 meq/L
What i am thinking is that maybe the LFS i got it from already had a case. Which now is in my tank.


Active Member
Hm, looks like you have your tank well under control. All the levels look great and you acclimated him very well.
I agree with you. The LFS probably had ich in their tanks, and because the fish probably got a little nervous when he was moved, his immune system dropped and the ich saw the window of opportunity open and attached to the fish's body.
At this point, I would just keep an eye on the fish and make sure to use vitamins and garlic in his foods to build his immune system. Kick Ich should work for you, but if it does not, I like Stop Parasite even more. I have found it to be more effective at treating ich. So, use the Kick Ich, because I know that does work sometimes, but if it does not and you see the fish get progressively worse, switch to Stop Parasite. Both products are reef safe (safe with corals, rock, starfish, shrimp, snails, macro algae, etc.)


another quick question. I removed the carbon from my filter but i still have the foam and bio media in there. Should i also take them out?


sounds like you have been given great advise by lion crazz. Don't stop useing the kick ich untill you have done the hole 15 day treatments. I have used it a couple times and it has worked great for me. I keep a bottel on hand just in case. Good luck.


what about the remaining media in my filter should i take them out?


ok thanks alot four your help i will let you know how the problems goes


as right now he doesnt seem to be very hungry, i couldnt get him to eat anything and he just hides out in a a few caves in my rockwork


omega one garlic dipped pellets.....i also noticed tonight that htere is a hole in his fin where there once was the biggest white spot that he had


Active Member
Originally Posted by xrobbx03
omega one garlic dipped pellets.....i also noticed tonight that htere is a hole in his fin where there once was the biggest white spot that he had
He probably rubbed it off on the rocks. It was probably irritating him to death. I'm not a big fan of medications for fish. I prefer using garlic treated foods. That kick ich stuff doesn't work for me! Doesn't it mess up the biological system as well? :happyfish


Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
He probably rubbed it off on the rocks. It was probably irritating him to death. I'm not a big fan of medications for fish. I prefer using garlic treated foods. That kick ich stuff doesn't work for me! Doesn't it mess up the biological system as well? :happyfish
well it says that it wont mess up the bio stuff but i dunno first time tryin it.


Active Member
No, it does not affect the biological filter.
If that is all you are feeding, I would get a couple of different foods as well to get him some variety.


I had no trouble with messing up anything. I have read that and even had a fish die while useing it but it was probably that the fish was allready to far gone. I belive the kick ich kills the ich off while it is off the fish. I saw ich all the way up to the last day of treatment then it was gone.


well i woke up today and found the angel dead and only to seethe clean up crew starting to pick at him. His tail looked all picked about also..is it possible that my other fish attacked him too. I have a pair of percs and a YWG. the first day it was in there it was swimming with the rest of the the fish.
so should i just continue with the 15 day ick treatment even thought the flame is gone now?


Active Member
Yes, you want to kill all remnants of the Ich that are still in the tank, it is still capable of getting your others.