Ich Problem


So it looks like my fish have Ich. I thought that I saw some white spots a few days ago on my tang my his dorsal fin and then they went away. Now my Angel has some torn dorsal fin, and a scare on it's side. My Tang looks fine except a little notch from its dorsal fin. I noticed a little scratch on my Marron Clowns nose and my Wrasse looks fine but sometimes looks like it's trying to bight it's tailfin and he maybe rubbing against some corals.
The problem is that I don't have a QT nor do I have the money to get one with all that I need. What should I do??? I have corals in my tang so I can't use that. I had to move my tank twice in a month so I would thing that my fish were very stressed. PLEASE tell me there is a chance this could be all stress and not ich. How long do I have to tell before it's too late??? Is there any chance they will just get better on their own??? The tank was a 5 yr old that was doing great. Right now all things read normal (nitrates, pH, amonimum, etc.)
Any help would be great. Thanks everyone.


IF everythings been going fine for 5 years....i dont suspect it would be ick. As for stress, i think only new fish will become stressed out when it comes to moving things around. I have moved my tank around numerous times, and they have never shown any signs of "white spots" try using a cleaner wrasse. Theyre nice looking and eat parasites off the fish. That will let you know if it is ick at all. Worst comes to worst and it is ick, (since you cant treat the reef tank) get freshwater and dip your fish in it for 30 seconds. It will kill the ich. I did it once with a baby sailfin, and he came out fine. If you have hearty fish, there should be no problems. HTH.


Actually I didn't just move things around but I totally broke down the tank twice in a month. I bought it from somebody and moved it then. After that I had a plumbing problem and had to move it into a new location in my apartment.
The main thing is about how long do I have to try to let nature fix the problem before I have to find money and get a QT???:nervous:


Active Member
I think that the stress of a tank move could induce the ich. Check the disease section and you will find a lot of good infoi
Cleaner wrasses are very nice fish, but they typically don't survive long in captivity. NOT a solution to ich.