ICH Problem


New Member
i have a 40 gal with 2 glowns and one blue tang . My bro just bought the tang for me and it has ich badly all over and in its mouth white dots. Now my clowns are getting it what should i do will it infest my tank or fish only? and i bought this stuff called kick-ich safe for all fish, corals and invertebrates Reef safe No copper. Im just wonderin the fish survivablty with ich . :mad:


Active Member
Ich will only affect fish...you should treat them in a Qt tank.
Post this in the Diseased Fish Forum for more informed answers. Beth could really help you out here. :D


Active Member
your tang probly wont make it , sorry
but that kick ich worked real well in my tank, tangs ( i think ) dont have any natural amunity to ick, there real hard to keep if you have ick, ive lost 2 of them, i wont even buy another one now untill im ick free for at least 6 months! good luck todd but also , listen to bigarn! hes nuch more experienced than me!!



The problem is, if it's safe for everything in your tank, it's not as strong. Ich only affects fish, so I think you should take them out and put them in a treatment tank alone.
You move them with the same water, sand and some ornaments you can easily replace and treat all of your fish with copper for about 2 weeks. When one fish dies, the number of spores in your water increases greatly and in my experience, they pick one fish at a time to attack. The other fish may have it internally, that's why I say you should treat all of them.
I used Sea cure copper treatment and Anti-Parasite food for internal treatment. Leave the old tank set-up and the new fish in your treatment tank for about a month just to be sure all the spores are gone and your fish are cured.
I know this costs more than treating the whole tank, but I lost almost two rounds of fish before I followed this advice and it saved the rest of my fish!
Good luck!

Fishy1 :happyfish