ich problems


ok. so my tank has ich, i can see the spots on my flame angel, now i have a quarantine tank, however it is not set up, meaning it has not cycled, i have no gravel or sand to put in it, could this be a problem, and from what ive read i should have the salintiy gravity at 1.09, so i figure ill just use my display tank water, and then water it down with freshwater. anyways, if i put some LR in the tank and use my display tank water will it still cause a cycle.
Fish list:
Flame angel
Maroon Clown
Blue damsel
False perc clown


You cannot hypo your LR. How much lr ls and inverts do you have in your dispay? Could you remove them to a rubbermaid tub with a heater and a powerhead? Some times that is easier. If you have alot of non fish then go to the lfs and pick up a sponge filter. Place it in a high flow area of your display for a few days to gather biological bacteria. You can then place that into the qt tank. Use filter media from the display as well.


i have about 90 lbs live rock, and last time i moved it i lost two shrimp due to stress. and i have about 60 lbs sand, and im planning to get these fish out asap. but do you think these 4 fish are in trouble if i put them in a new tank but with my old water, and without gravel or sand?


Staff member
If you treat using hyposalinity, it can be done, but you will have to be diligent about keeping the water free of ammonia/nitrite. Add a few cups of sand from your display tank in the QT to assist with cycle.


one other thing i was wondering, in my 10gallon qt tank i have 3 fish, all quite small, and i just have a spare peice of lr in there, along with some caves etc... and i also have a heater, is that enough, or do i need a filter, i also have a little air pump bubbler thing, would that be ok to put in there just to get the water moving?