
Active Member
if ich is never introduced to your tank, can the fish still get it? where does the parasite come from? :notsure:


Staff member
Cin, the parasite orginates in the ocean. Ich is a fish parasite. When fish are caught for the hobby market, specimens that are infected at the time bring it with them. In nature, ich is not much of a problem for fish. But in captivity, because of the closed environment of the tank, ich can proliferate to epidemic proportions, killing all fish infected.


Staff member
Exactly, ich is a parasite, not a virus or a bacteria.
Fish bring it in from the wild. Due to the nature of the parasite's lifecycle, fish who have ich in the wild will not likely have it for long as the parasite just can't keep up with fish movement all over the reef. However, in the captive confines of an aquarium, ich have access to free food [fish] and nothing will stop them from proliferating except treatment.
Even if a fish does not have ich when caught, if they are placed in an infected tank, whether that be at the wholesale level, the retail level or your own tank, then they become infected and carry it with them wherever they go [until they and the tank they have been in are treated]. That is why ich is so prevelent in the hobby and the infection level so high.
That is why it is so very important to set up a QT in your home so you be sure that an infected fish does not enter your own display. You might get a fish that looks perfectly fine. Then bring it home and introduce it directly into your display. 3 days later all your fish have ich. The ich is not only on this fish, but in the water that the fish was bagged in. What do most hobbyists do when they get a new fish. Float the fish in the bag in their displays. Then release the fish and the water into their tank. If fish or water has the parasite, then you have just introduced the problem to your display.


I just got two clowns 2 days ago. They looked just fine. Now today, one has a few white spots on him. ICK I am assuming. How long does it take for the parasite to cycle to the point my whole tank is now infected? If I just do a freshwater dip now, is it possible to catch it before the parasite starts to free swim in my tank?
Please reply soon. If this is possible I want to dip them both now. If you could, can you also tell me how to do the freshwater dip?
Thank you.


Staff member
JGonier, FW dips will not get rid or all the parasites on the fish. Some, maybe, not all.
Thus, the only solution is full scale treatment. Also, my bet is that you put water in the transport bag in to your tank, right?
You see where I'm going with this, right? :nope:



Originally posted by Beth
JGonier, FW dips will not get rid or all the parasites on the fish. Some, maybe, not all.
Thus, the only solution is full scale treatment. Also, my bet is that you put water in the transport bag in to your tank, right?
You see where I'm going with this, right? :nope:

I never put store fish water in my tank. I usually net the fish from the bag and then put the fish in my tank. Store water never enters my tank.