Ich question


Yesterday, I notice little white cotton looking spots all over my royal gamma's tail fin.
I assume it is ich. My question is, I can not find him. He is hiding in all the rock work.
If all my other fish are healthy, been in the tank now for 1 year, will they get ich also? I know all fish are able to get ich, but I thought I read that fish that are helthy do not contract the disease as easily.
I am just worried what will happen to my other fish if I can not get the RG out of the main tank an put it in the HT. Its been over 24hrs now, so it is probably too late.


Staff member
Is this a new fish? If it is ich, then, yes, it is definately too late to avoid contaminating your tank. However, ich is not cotton looking.


Reading descriptions of Ich, I guess the spots look more like little grains of salt and not cotton, and they were mostley on the fins.
So I am thinking it is ich. I took some of my rocks out and did a search and rescue mission, but still could not find the fish.
If he had died overnight, and the cleanup crew ate him, should I still worry about the other fish? How long will it take for the other fish to start showing signs?
I will keep an eye on the ammonia level in case the fish is dead, but I haven't seen any "fish parts" to confirm this.
Thank you for all your help, I will wait and see what happens. :(


Staff member
You'll know withing 2-3 wks if you have a problem. Needless to say, don't add any more fish at this point.


I won't. I added him 3 days ago after I had him in a QT for 3 weeks.
One of the other fish must have stressed him out. I still can't locate him, and my ammonia readings are still at 0.
Its a mystery.
Thanks for the help :)
My sisters clarkki was in the tank at night and the next day GONE.. no sign of him... no LR just some signature corals so it was easy to tear it apart.....Also, she only has 3 sm hermits so if they ate him, they ate him good and quick!
MYSTERY to US TOO!!?????????