ich Questions, Inquiring minds want to know???


I have purchased a refractometer from this website, 39.99. I am still waiting for it. What is to get my water to 1.008 in order to do hyposalinity? Will Ich actually kill the fish or is it just a nuisance? Will my fish fully recover if i use hyposalinity??? Do I need to remove starfish as well as my shrimp????:help:


You should treat in a separate quaratine tank. There is a post by beth that shows you how maybe somebody will have that link. You can do hypo or you can use copper. I myself have no fish yet just started cycling. Have been researching it though. Yes, ich can and will kill your fish. You will have to remove the inverts to treat.


Active Member
Hyposalinity needs to be done in a tank with no inverts, live rock, corals.
The target for hypo is 1.009.
Ich will eventually kill your fish if left untreated. However, hypo, performed properly, will get rid of the ich on the fish and kill it. The display then needs to be left fishless for 4-6 weeks.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Hyposalinity needs to be done in a tank with no inverts, live rock, corals.
The target for hypo is 1.009.
Ich will eventually kill your fish if left untreated. However, hypo, performed properly, will get rid of the ich on the fish and kill it. The display then needs to be left fishless for 4-6 weeks.
Yes, I 100% agree. If you have more questions, please come over to the "Disease and Treatment" forum. We will be happy to answer any and all questions you may have!


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
please come over to the "Disease and Treatment" forum.
Yep, I know. I'm slackin on my job.


Staff member
Ich will definitely kill fish. If you have not received the refractometer yet, go ahead and use a GLASS Hydrometer (not plastic swing arm) to bring the specific gravity down to within range.
Please read the Hyposalinity info-post in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum. There is also info on ich there.


Originally Posted by joker3762
What if I dont have a QT Tank which will house all of my fish?
Get one.
I'm not being fascitious or a smart-alec, it really is a good investment and it doesn't have to empty out your checking account. Since QTs by nature must be minimalist, you don't need anywhere near the things your main tank requires. Considering the cost of livestock, presumably your desire to have them thrive, and the effort of dealing with problems such as ick once they're in your tank, it's money well spent.
A good option are the "starter" aquarium packages as they're fairly cheap and usually come with everything you need in one box. Ours is one of the 20g systems AGA has recently offered, we got it on sale at a franchise pet store of dubious reputation and I believe it set us back around $60 or so. The only thing we added was a digital thermometer to keep track of temperature better than the stick-on thermo that came in the box. Shopping around could probably get you one for even less.