Ich questions!


Hey i already posted this is the New Hobbyist section...but it really belongs here and i dont know how to move a thread, so im just going to rewrite it!

I have a 50g which contains at this moment: Liverock, sand, snails, hermits, and one firefish. I recently added a new anthias (after quarantine) to the tank, and it died of ich after about a week of being in the tank. So I evidently have ich in my DT (hurray *sarcasm*)
Id like advice on what to do. I know that the only way to be sure that ich is gone is to leave the tank fishless for 6-8weeks and treat the fish in a quarantine tank. Unfortunately, i am completely unable to catch my firefish!
Anyone have any advice on a different way that I could remove ich from the tank? Im worried about stressing the firefish to death trying to catch him. Will hypo kill the snails/hermits?
Also Ive heard Formalin works well on ich. Any thoughts on that? Would formalin kill the hermits/snails? Trust me, I'm not fond of the idea of adding formaldehyde to my tank..but if it works then i shouldnt judge!
Sorry to say but you are going to have to treat your fish in the QT. Hypo will cause harm to your LR and invertebrates. Formalin is usually used for Brooklynella and is done as a bath. I currently have 1 onyx perc in hypo at the moment, he looked pretty bad so I did a fresh water dip(making sure the ph and temp was the same as QT tank) then I slowly started doing hypo the day after. He is doing very well, I believe that the freshwater dip saved his life before I could do hypo. Hope ths helps