ich/temp question


Active Member
we are fighting a battle with temperature in our tank...today i checked the lights when there was only one hour left till they shut off....the temp was 88 degrees!!!!! tommorow we are going to get some fans to try to blow some of that heat which the mh's are throwing...during the first few hours of the day all the fish look fine and healthy..8 or so hours into having the lights on my kole tang gets all spotted up looks almost liek ich...today i noticed that this happened to my clown too...then the next morning the tang is fine with no spots...coudl temp fluctuations cause these spots which look exactly like ich?? and if so what shoudl i do other than get a chiller?? should i crank my heater up to 86 in order to keep a more constant temperature?

mpls man

Active Member
do you have fans blowing across you MH's ?
can you add a fan across your sump.
both will cause evaporation and drop your temp.
you'll have to replace the evaporated water with ro water
stress can cause ick to appear in tangs, flutuations in water cond.
what are your parameters:
and so on...


i thought that if ich wasnt introduced to your system..... your fish wouldnt get ich?


Originally Posted by Jesses89
i thought that if ich wasnt introduced to your system..... your fish wouldnt get ich?
Exactly. It is in there.


so the fish got ich... because it was introduced in there?