Ich treatment and inverabrates


New Member
I have a tank with a pretty bad case of Ich and I am hesitant to treat them in the tank because of a blue eyed hermit crab. i know that some meds are not good on invertabrates. i have a Malachite Green based treatment that doesn't say anything about it. Any suggestions?
Ive used kick-ich successfully on my tank. At the time I had blue leg hermits, scarlet reef hermits, turbo snails, peppermint shrimp, LR, button polyps, and mushroom rock. Its expensive oh and you have to finish the whole cycle.


Staff member
Head, I am always recommending against the use of allegedly "reef safe" medications. Could you please detail you entire experience with KICk Ick, as well as the long term health of your corals, inverts etc. Have any fataliities, etc., say 6 mos later? What type of filtration do you have going in your reef. Do you have a plenum or DSB?
What exactly happened during the treatment process, and what disease did you have in tank?


Active Member
It would seem to me if one invert is all you are worried about, then remove the invert to another tank and begin hyposalinity treatment on the fish. There are NO invert safe meds out there that have been proven to get rid of ich. There are a lot of claims.


Won't feeding garlic soaked food help get rid of ich? I thought it would, and that treatment is supposedly invert safe right?!


Active Member
If there's no real cure for ICK than how do you solve the problem when you have 60lbs of LR, 4" DSB and alot of real smart fish.
I agree with Beth - there's no medication that doesn't effect your tank. I tried greenX and Kick-ich with no success, then I found Quick Cure which solved the ick problem but my inverts and other animals have never recovered. My LFS told me it was "reef safe" and the second time I used it I watched more closely to the environment (not just the fish) and noticed feather duster, bristle worm, mushroom and basically all the cool things about my LR had major die off.


Staff member
If you don't have a reef tank then all you can do is chase these fish down and get them into a hospital tank...yes, and you'll have to dislodge some live rock. As Terry said, prevention via QT is the best way, but that is in hindsight with this particular situation.
I soon as I stopped using the kich-ich the ich came back in about a week. Darn it!!!! Im trying Kent Rx now its made of pepper. Its not safe for some inverts oh. I can see my button polyps cringe and shrivel up when its first put in for the first time. I'll let you know if theres any luck with it now.
I completed the cycle with the kich-ich and then had enough for one more treatment so I used it an extra day. It was like $25 a bottle too.